Music at Pinehurst

At Pinehurst, we offer a wide range of instrumental tuition, voice lessons, music group mentoring and several performance opportunities for our students.
Primary School Solo and Ensemble Concerts will be held this year in which our talented students can opt to participate.
The concerts take place in the school theatre, from 3:30-4:30pm. Students will be asked to audition via video for these concerts. Invitations to register will be included in the school newsletter, closer to the performance date.
Our College Orchestra will be performing at the KBB Music Festival in Term 3. During this term we will also be holding our annual Piano Competition. This will be open to all students in the school who are at Grade 6 level or above. The choice of the performance piece is open and chosen by the students. Students will be asked to submit a performance video as part of the registration process. More information will follow closer to the time of the competition.
Our top senior Music students are also given additional solo performance opportunities at events throughout the year.
Itinerant Music Lessons
Apart from our full-time staff who are looking after your child's musical education inside and outside of the classroom, twelve part-time instrumental specialists offer individual tuition before, during and after school for the following instruments:
- Voice
- Piano
- Recorder
- Flute
- Clarinet
- Saxophone
- Oboe
- Bassoon
- Violin
- Viola
- Cello
- Acoustic Double Bass
- Contemporary (Pop) Acoustic and Electric Guitar
- Bass Guitar
- Trumpet
- Trombone
- Tuba
- Percussion
- Drums
For more information on our itinerant music teachers, please click here.
Itinerant Music Lesson Registration Form
Brass Bursary
With the support of the board, Pinehurst School is pleased to offer a Brass Bursary to students who would like to learn/ or continue developing their performing skills on a brass instrument, by taking itinerant lessons at the school and committing to participate in a music co-curricular group at Pinehurst.
Brass Bursary Application form
Co-Curricular Music Groups
A wide range of music co-curricular groups are available during lunchtimes, after school or evenings throughout the week. Students can sign up to perform within a group setting and will receive mentoring by a specialist. There will be costs associated with some of these co-curricular music groups. Selected groups will participate and perform at annual festivals and competitions, such as the KBB Music Festival and the NZ Chamber Music Competition.
- Primary Choir (Year 2 & 3)
- Primary Choir (Year 4-6)
- Year 5 & 6 Primary Orchestra (An auditioned group for Year 5 & 6 students who play an orchestral instrument and can read notation)
- Year 4 Woodwind Ensemble
- Year 5 Marimba Group
- Suzuki Violin Ensemble
- Primary Rock Band (Year 5 & 6)
- Junior College Rock Bands (Year 7 & 8)
- Senior College Rock Bands (Year 9-13)
- Flute Choir (Year 7-13)
- Jazz Combo (Year 7-13)
- College Choir (Year 7-13)
- College Orchestra (Open to top instrumentalists in Year 7-13. Some instruments may be auditioned)
- Clarinet Ensemble
- Harp Ensemble
- Chamber Music Group (Yea 5-13, by audition and dependent on numbers and balance of instruments)
For more information about our Co-curricular Music Groups Programme, including Terms and Conditions, click here.