My Music Ignites My Soul

‘My music ignites my soul’ is a new initiative that is going to be launched by the Duke of Edinburgh International Award in conjunction with Age Concern, Summerset NZ and Pinehurst as the launching school, here in New Zealand.
This initiative brings together young people with digital skills and music appreciation with senior citizens who have their own music landscape and memories. The aim is for young people to prepare a playlist for a senior, that they can listen to with the ease of a press of an icon. This programme’s ambition, alongside the musical legacy for senior citizens, is to foster inter-generational and cross-cultural relationships and understanding.
The journey started with past Pinehurst School teacher Pauline Grogan, who through a personal experience of sharing music with an old, dear friend noticed a positive change. Pauline who is not one to sit still, wondered how she could spread the word and bring this opportunity to all seniors in care facilities in a meaningful way and that is how the Duke of Edinburgh Award, became involved. Our hope is that by giving students the opportunity and training, through the service component of the award, that they will foster intergenerational relationships, with empathy and enthusiasm, but most of all help music to ignite the soul in all participating.