Pinehurst Stand Out at Showquest

On Thursday 6th June Pinehurst's first ever Showquest team performed at Spark Arena.
Pinehurst’s theme - Communication and mental health. Through their piece they aim to evaluate the most effective way of communicating and making sure friends are doing ok through simple conversations. They challenge the harmful effects that technology can have on our relationships and mental health - especially in the youth of New Zealand. Their piece is based on the quote “A conversation can change a life”.
Pinehurst won the Drama Award, the Music Sound Track Award and 2nd Place Overall. Amelie Wells won the Outstanding Rangatahi Award.
None of this would have been possible without the dedication of senior students, Zoe Bottari and Gemma Goeldner who instigated this. They worked tirelessly to create the concept, choreograph the dance, make the soundtrack, design and make costumes. They were supported by two other senior students; Pearl Stretton and Arden Callagher. Pearl was amazing at teaching the dance to Fight Song and Ardern created an incredible video to fit the music.