Harbour Softball Sensation

Congratulations to Year 8 Pinehurst student Harry Common and his U13 North Harbour Maroon Softball team, who recently had outstanding results for the 2017/18 Representative Season. Over the weekend (despite the weather!) Harry’s team completed the 3 series Rookie Sox’s Festival and were named joint winners with Hutt Valley - with both teams unbeaten over the series. Harbour U13 Maroon also won the Battle of Bridge (North Harbour, Auckland and Counties) this season – the first time the Harbour U13 boys have had this result in many years!
As a result of his outstanding performance for North Harbour this season, Harry found out yesterday that he has been selected to represent New Zealand! Harry will travel with the ISA New Zealand U13 Boys to play in Canada and the USA in July/August this year. Congratulations Harry!