Pinehurst has an established and successful association with the University of Cambridge CAIE (Cambridge Assessment International Education) programme and a deep understanding of delivering this world class curriculum from the Primary years, through to the Junior College and Senior College.

Proven Principles
Curriculum delivery in the classroom is underpinned by sound educational research and proven principles such as the philosophies of inquiry learning, Multiple Intelligences, and the Habits of Mind. Learn more about how we teach the Cambridge Curriculum in each area of the school.
School Structure
Pinehurst is structured into two schools, each with a head of school responsible for curriculum development and implementation. Both schools have integrated curriculum delivery with staff working across schools to ensure smooth transitions for all our students. We strongly believe that co-education prepares girls and boys for the actual world beyond school and our gender ratios are kept balanced as much as possible at all class levels. The total Pinehurst roll is capped at 1050 students.

Unique learning paths
Although both are based on the same Albany campus, the Primary and College have their own unique identity, location and teaching staff. Our students relish the exciting learning programmes and new experiences provided as they move up through each level.
At Pinehurst, we recognise that every student has individual needs and we endeavour to meet those needs through our classroom and Special Programmes offering Learner Support (CWSN) and Gifted and Talented Education (CWEA).

Pastoral Care
Pinehurst is a happy place to learn. We build relationships on trust and understanding. Our pastoral care system supports students at all year levels. From Primary through to College, Year Level Deans work to ensure our students have programmes in place to help them feel safe and supported in every way. The vertically grouped House system ensures that younger students have great role models and senior friends. We also employ a highly qualified School Counsellor who is available by appointment for families and individual students.